This page will roughly calculate the cost of your car (in theory). Input welcome.
*Remember to include your inspection and initial repairs (the repairs you had to do in the first week of getting the car) in the purchase price.**Oh gas prices, how we hate you...
- ~60 cents per liter in 2000
- ~70 cents per liter in 2002
- ~80 cents per liter in 2004 ~90-100 cents per liter in 2008~100-120 cents per liter in 2010~120 cents per liter in 2011 ***Repair costs are based on the following ideas:
- Brand new cars cost you virtually nothing in repairs and yearly maintenance for the first 5-7 years
- You will refuse to spend lots of money on repairs for a car over 18-20 years old.
- Major repairs come at the 10-15 year range once warranties run out. This works out to a nice bell curve centering on 18% of your car value at year 12.
If the car is older than 30 years, it's probably a classic or something and your going to be putting in more than average to keep it going and look shiny, so don't expect this to be at all accurate.