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Devils Number

October 24, 2012


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Alright, conspiracies. Seeing numbers, manipulating numbers, etc to get the patterns you need for your pet theory. Here's a primer for you:

Seven and Thirteen

Seven is lucky, 13 is not (well in western culture anyways). So how is this useful?

  1. Multiply/divide your number by 7.
  2. Do the opposite with 13.
  3. Congrats, you either have a number twice as big, or half as big (use somewhat genrous rounding).

Why? Well the luck of 7 is cancelled out by the bad luck of 13, just like how the multiplication and division signs cancel out.

For some Asian cultures we have the same phenomina with 4 being unlucky and 6 being lucky. This time it's 1.5 time larger or 2/3s the size.

Six and Nine

They are vertical mirror images of each other, go ahead, rotate as needed.

One and Seven

texts get mistranslated all the time, maybe that 1 was a 7, or vice-versa. Or 3 and 8.

Double/Triple Digit Numbers

Yuo can split these apart and the do whatever.

  1. 14 = 1 + 4
  2. 295 = 2 x 9 - 5


Feel free to partially factor your numbers to get an answer.

  1. 39 = 3 x 13...three times the bad luck
  2. 18 = 3 x 6 = 6 + 6 + 6 = 666...Gasp!

Conversions to Random Units

In parting, I ask you to enjoy XKCD: http://xkcd.com/258