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August 2, 2011


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From my mommy. Yorkies are temperature, humidity, and altitude sensitive...Someday I'll make enough to get a good recording of the effects. Works better in Greenview than Edgemont. Makes 12.

Stuff to put in

How to put it all together

  1. Preheat oven to 425F.
  2. Beat eggs with a fork.
  3. Lightly spray muffin tray.
  4. Divide the oil as evenly as possible between each cup.
  5. Mix eggs, flour, salt, and milk together and beat the crap out of it until its light and frothy. Adding the flour in slowly prevents clumping.
  6. Divide evenly between cups. Be skimpy so you don't run out.
  7. Bake for 25 minutes. DO NOT open the door (they will collapse) or turn on the light (dunno why, just don't).

Good Luck!