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Cahsew Chicken Stir-Fry

August 30, 2011


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This is from best of bridge. But like anything going camping, it needs some work. And I've listened carefully to my mommy and have included her suggestions too.

WARNING! Feeds 5 or 6 hungry people, make sure you have a large pan. Or half it.

Stuff to put in


The Rest

How to put it all together


  1. Mix all the sause ingredients together in a bowl.
  2. Dehydrate the sause.
  3. Rehydrate the sause when you want to eat by putting it in half a liter of water for a couple hours.

The Rest

  1. Mix the chicken, cornstarch, sugar, and salt in a bowl till the chicken is coated.
  2. Heat the frying pan/pot/wok to highest heat. Add oil.
  3. Add the chicken, garlic, ginger, and onion to the pot.
  4. Once the chicken opaques (turns white), add the peppers and carrots.
  5. After 2-3 minutes, add the peas, cashews, and sause.
  6. Once the sause starts boiling, add the noodles.
  7. Let the food bubble away merrily for 5-7 minutes, while everyone starts drooling at the smell. Now is a good time to negotiate dishes.
  8. Once the sause looks thick enough, or your bored, or the stars align, you can eat.
  9. Enjoy!

Quote at the Bottom of the Page

I have an agreement with my wife. She doesn't compare the men in playgirl magazine to me - and I don't compare the meals in gourmet magazine to hers.