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Somehow you have found this page. Technically it's unposted, so you shouldn't have, but oh well. Why is it unposted you ask? Well for any of the following reasons:

Anyways, you're here. Enjoy! And if you have any advice/spelling corrections/nit picks, please tell me!

Oh, and as I lack anything better to offer as a reward for breaking my site, here is my bio: bio.php
(which you could access through the site, but I'm not telling you how)

I find I do the same calculations over and over again. So I'll try and list the trail beta of what I do as I do it. This is really really basic info you could get from reading your own dratted maps.

Kananaskis Lakes

Leg 0:

Your trail is 0.0km long with 0m up and 0m down.